Specializing in Commercial Appliance Repair in
Grand Ledge, Holt, Meridian Charter Township or Lansing, MI

Maybe your faucets drip constantly or your tankless water heater has called it quits. If you received a failing grade from the health inspector, hire Del's Food Service to fix your appliances. We provide commercial appliance repair services in Grand Ledge, Holt, Meridian Charter Township, Lansing, MI and beyond.
As a small business, we can give our customers more personalized service than our competitors can. Reach out today to speak with our owner.
Performing a quick fix might help your appliances pass inspection, but this temporary solution won't help your business in the long run. You can trust us to make repairs that will extend the service life of your appliances.
We can repair most commercial appliances and plumbing fixtures, including...
Contact us whenever you need beverage or food equipment repair services.
Once we repair your food equipment, you'll need to get your kitchen inspected again. That way, the health inspector can make sure your kitchen is up to code and can give you the green light to reopen your business.
Broken appliances can put your kitchen out of commission. If you're worried about losing your main source of revenue because your appliances aren't working properly, hire Del's Food Service the moment a problem pops up. We provide commercial appliance repair services in the Holt, Meridian Charter Township and Lansing, MI areas.
We can repair everything from stoves, ice machines and fryers to dishwashers, toasters and faucets. With help from our team, you'll have no trouble serving up essential menu items on your biggest nights.
Get in touch with us right away to schedule food equipment repair services.